Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9: Barra da Tijuca from Pedra Bonita

I'm having a nephew over so we do a little sightseeing. Instead of taking a cable car like yesterday, we hiked up Pedra Bonita, about 700m high. A big victory for my 4-year old son and a big view to the western part of Rio. This (almost unedited, except for some sharpening) photo shows Barra da Tijuca and my nephew. My goal was extreme depth of field and my hyperfocal distance card told me the following settings were ok for a focal length of 25 mm.

iso: 100
ss: 1/100
ap: f/7.1


  1. Can I be your relative?? This is a gorgeous shot, and I can just envision sitting up on the hill too. - From Cridley

  2. Your hyperfocal technique worked magnificently! This is just superb, and the natural pose you have from him just tops it. Nice work!

  3. Big boy for a 4 year old.....hope he appreciates the marvelous scenery you are photographing because I certainly do...thank you

  4. Thanks!
    But this is the 8 year old nephew. I shot my son two days ago. I mean.. well.. you know.

  5. lol! (at previous comment). What an absolutely amazing view. Sort of "WOW" like. And the clouds are so dramatic. Vey nice photo.

  6. By the way, what's a mirror lock-up???

  7. Terrific picture. great work with the hyperfocus

  8. WoW!!! What a wonderful shot of this view. I want to come and visit. You have sold me on Rio!

  9. What a handsome looking fella. Beautiful countryside. I'm really enjoying this blog.

  10. Oh wow, amazing view and fantastic capture! You sure achieved your goal for extreme dof. Well done!

  11. My first thought was, wow he grew up fast ... then I read your comment stating it's your nephew :D .
    Great view once more plus amazing hyperfocal effect. This card seems quite helpfull. Did you do the calculations yourselve?
    As you know we both use the 400D so it might work for me as well.

  12. What an amazing shot I'll have to read up on this hyperfocal effect I really like this.

  13. So clear from front to back! The clouds in the background look impressive.
