Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25: Sunset as light source

The sunset wasn't so spectacular today, but gave me some nice orange light to light this shell. I borrowed it from grandma, sadly enough you only find empty cans and coconuts and the end of the day. And they are not nearly as much fun to shoot. Fiddled around with my raw converter to get this look. Basically a lot of shadows and exposure, and compensating that by reducing saturation (-35). The original settings were:

iso: 100
ss: 1/200
ap: f/4


  1. Wow, that it stunning! Fantastic colours and the very impactful foreground interest is superb! I love that you can see the waves in the background, yet they are so out of focus that concentration is firmly on that shell. Very nice work!

  2. Really lovely and I find the out of focus background mysterious because it doesn't seem to be the colors I would expect. This is a great shot!

  3. I got really excited when I saw this one. I really really like it! I espoecially like the contrast in colours. The sand and the water. Great stuff!

  4. Oh! This is stellar stuff you are composing. What a simple yet very creative photo, very well done.
    The tone of the sunset light is magnificent!

  5. I really like this one it's almost my favourite but I wish you had removed the forground blur by cropping a little higher or tighter to keep with in the rules. I still really like it the colours are awesome

  6. The colors are wonderful, as is the lighting :)
